Wednesday, September 22, 2010
NSW Govt reconsidering public housing rent increase for pensioners
Further to our recent post on Housing NSW eyeing off that $30 increase in the pension: the Brown Couch's colleagues at the Older Persons Tenants Service have received advice from Housing NSW that the NSW State Government is reconsidering whether it will include the $30 increase in rent rebate calculations. They'll let us know what the Government decides.
Pensioners and others in private rental, keep shelling out as usual.
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Hi, this is my second attempt at posting this comment, hope it works this time. Could you please let me know whether NSW Gov has continued to quarantine rents of DSP/Aged Pension tenants?
ReplyDeleteHere in Victoria the Office of Housing has informed me that "the Minister for
Housing Richard Wynne has given an undertaking that the rent increases will be quarantined until at least July 2011."
This raises huge equity issues which no NGO wants to tackle, at least not publicly. Other public tenants don't receive any such grace. For tenants on Newstart, whose base rate is $190 less per fortnight than the Aged or DSP this is really rubbing salt into the wound.
I am a Single Age Pensioner who wrote to Wayne Swan in Nov 2010. Have heard yesterday from Macklin's office from a Max Jaganatha, Adviser, that "The NSW Govt recently advised that it will extend the quarantine period until its 2011-2012 budget, at which time it will review its position." Dated 13 Jan 2011. Make a fuss Matilda. Go and sit outside the Housing Dept or walk around it with placards. Seniors are organised and active. Public tenants may not have much money but they vote. They need to write. I did. Only costs 60c to write a letter. Stop moaning about Pensioners unless you are will to take some action. NSW Govt was boasting about having billions in surplus there is plenty for everyone or there was until the recent floods. The pollies take notice of mail. Go for it!