If you live in a house built prior to 1970, there's a good chance that parts of it were painted, at some stage, with paints containing the toxic metal lead.
Even if it has been repainted since then, there might still be a layer of lead paint underneath. If the paint is flaking off, or being removed for repainting, you may be in danger of lead poisoning.
The Lead Education and Abatement Design (LEAD) Group does good work alerting people to the dangers of lead and advising on the proper clean up of lead contamination, particularly through its Global Lead Advice and Support Service (GLASS).
Late last year, the Federal Government stopped funding GLASS, so now the LEAD Group is fund-raising. Please consider helping out at its crowdfunding page – donate $70 and they'll give you a lead testing kit.
For information on the implications of lead contamination for your tenancy, see our factsheet.
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