Originally named for the National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee, it was found that there was too much in our indigenous cultures worth celebrating to fit into a single day – hence NAIDOC Week.
We've noted previously how most Aboriginal households rent. Many of these households will find little about their housing to celebrate – but here's something worth celebrating: the excellent work of the NSW Aboriginal Tenants Advice and Advocacy Services.
Between them, these four services cover all of New South Wales, so each of them serves a large number of people, over large – in some cases, huge – geographic areas. The good workers at these services sometimes drive for a day to attend a Tribunal hearing for a client. And when they're not in the car, they're on the phone giving information and advice to Aboriginal tenants, or they're out in their communities, educating tenants about their rights, and practicing a quiet, insistent diplomacy with Aboriginal Housing providers to get them to lift their game.
Koori tenants advocates: good on you, and happy NAIDOC Week.
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