In late February we reported that the Tenants Advice & Advocacy Services were getting involved university O-Week activities to raise awareness about what has become known as the 'S10 Project' - named after section 10 of the Residential Tenancies Act 2010:
"10 - A person who occupies residential premises that are subject to a written residential tenancy agreement, is not named as a tenant in the agreement and who occupies the premises together with a named tenant is a tenant for the purposes of this Act only if:
(a) a tenant under that agreement transfers the tenancy to the person or the person is recognised as a tenant (see Part 4), or(b) the person is a sub-tenant of a tenant under a written residential tenancy agreement with that tenant."
Section 10 means that if you live in a sharehouse, you need to get your agreement in writing.
Today, Patrick from NorWest Lincs (the TAAS who advise and assist tenants across north and north-western Sydney...) has dropped by to discuss some of their contributions to the S10 Project with us on the Brown Couch:
"NorWest Lincs contacted 3 Universities & 3 TAFE Campus' during the initial mail-out period for the project, capturing "O" week when all the students attend for enrolment at TAFE & Uni. During this period we handed out 21 posters & 550 flyers which were gladly received by all our contacts. We contacted the Student Welfare Departments, International Student Welfare Departments & Student Representative bodies.Well done NorWest Lincs, and thanks Patrick for this excellent rundown.
This resulted in 3 formal follow-up Community Education Sessions, one session was with new International Students at Macquarie University with an attendance of 40+ students, North Sydney TAFE with Early Settlement Students with 25 in attendance & Hornsby TAFE Early Settlement Students with 55 students in attendance.
Overall this was an AWESOME response considering the short period of time in which we had to contact the institutions & arrange for the flyers & brochures to be distributed.
The Student Welfare Department at Macquarie University also spoke of the S10 Project in their opening address to 3 other groups of 50 students & included the brochures in their information bags. We have been invited to attend at the half yearly intake, to speak again to the students attending from overseas, as this was very well received & we have already received 2 referrals since this Community Education session."
The Project continues.
Get in touch with your local TAAS if you'd like more information about your rights in shared rental housing.
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